Indy Achieves is housed within the office of EmployIndy at the PNC Center in downtown Indianapolis. Learn more about EmployIndy at employindy.org.

ATTN: Indy Achieves

101 West Washington Street, Suite 1200

Indianapolis, IN 46204



Leadership and Staff


Esther Woodson
Executive Director

Daniela Leyva
Student Success Coach
IU Indianapolis

Vanessa Noyola
Postsecondary Transitions Manager

Melissa Salerno
Student Success Coach
IU Indianapolis

Ren Delfin
Student Success Manager

Alijah Purdy
Student Success Coach
IU Indianapolis

Beth Lefevers
Student Success Coach
Ivy Tech - Indianapolis





If you have any questions about Indy Achieves or if you are interested in having one of the members of our team come speak about Indy Achieves, please feel free to connect using the form on this page, or email us at indyachieves@employindy.org.